Thursday, December 20, 2007

Techy Geek Talk

If you were to place me on Rogers' Innovation Adoption Curve, I'd probably fall somewhere in the middle, around the ranges of the early/ late majority. I'm definitely not an innovator. But neither am I a technological laggard.

I never caught on to the pager syndrome in secondary school. The only reason why I ditched ICQ was because everyone else migrated to MSN Messenger and there was virtually no one online my ICQ list. My current handphone is old, battered and integrated with a very sad VGA camera (it's lousier than 1.3 mega-pixel format). As for my Facebook account, it was only activated very recently.

My latest technological find? The Web-based aggregator!! The beauty of RSS and Atom feeds ... how come no one ever told me about these wonders?

Posted by quirkyditz at 12:00 am


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