Sunday, March 09, 2008

Of Plants & Pets

The basil plant which arrived at the office a while back is not in a pretty shape. It's kind of ... ... floppy. And it's partly my fault. But I don't even rejuvenate myself with the scientifically recommended amount of water each day, so what more a plant right?

Not that I have had much luck with rearing plants and animals to begin with. Remember my poor cactus?

To add to the death toll, there was the turtle that mysteriously died the very next day we brought it into our home. And how can I forget the silly fish which decided to leap out of the tank in the middle of the night? I'm not sure why it did what it did. Perhaps it was depressed and felt that suicide was its only way out, maybe it had to quell its thrill-seeking tendencies, or it could be that it just wasn't very bright.

Whatever it is, I think I should stay away from all things that photosynthesise, and while I'm at that, critters too.

Posted by quirkyditz at 4:21 pm


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