The No-Discipline Girl
I really, really,
really should stop gorging myself. That kinda over- bloated feeling is so sickly - I hate it! But I always realise I'm too full only when it's too late, bleah.
Haven't been striking anything off my To-Do List for quite a while either. Mmmm, bad sign that is. Come to think of it, I need to find that little scrap of paper. Now, where did I leave it ...
And after one whole year of staunchly practising yoga every week for an entire year, I've finally broken the spell. Need to start putting in my one hour of weekly exercise again. One pathetic hour? Yes, nothing to brag about I know. But better than zero-input, haha! I'm gonna get geared up for next week! Yoga? Swimming? Gym? We'll see :)
Posted by quirkyditz at 9:43 pm
Of Plants & Pets
The basil plant which arrived at the office a while back is not in a pretty shape. It's kind of ... ... floppy. And it's partly my fault. But I don't even rejuvenate myself with the scientifically recommended amount of water each day, so what more a plant right?
Not that I have had much luck with rearing plants and animals to begin with. Remember my
poor cactus?
To add to the death toll, there was the turtle that mysteriously died the very next day we brought it into our home. And how can I forget the silly fish which decided to leap out of the tank in the middle of the night? I'm not sure why it did what it did. Perhaps it was depressed and felt that suicide was its only way out, maybe it had to quell its thrill-seeking tendencies, or it could be that it just wasn't very bright.
Whatever it is, I think I should stay away from all things that photosynthesise, and while I'm at that, critters too.
Posted by quirkyditz at 4:21 pm
Gone Before You Know It

Considering that we're 3 weeks into the new year, I know it's a little late and perhaps even out of point to be thinking about this. But I suddenly realised that I can't pinpoint my ultimate highlight and lowdown of 2007. And it's kind of disturbing.
A less than forgettable year is a good waste of 365 days. A sign of mediocrity. And a terrible way to lead your life, don't you think?
Being in my line of work, we're always 'living in the future,' about one to two months ahead of time. A publication slated to hit the stands in March would have already been in the works since January/ February. So weirdly enough, it already feels like March has descended upon me - and that's a good quarter of the year gone.
*freaks out*
Posted by quirkyditz at 12:50 am
Techy Geek Talk
If you were to place me on Rogers' Innovation Adoption Curve, I'd probably fall somewhere in the middle, around the ranges of the early/ late majority. I'm definitely not an innovator. But neither am I a technological laggard.
I never caught on to the pager syndrome in secondary school. The only reason why I ditched ICQ was because everyone else migrated to MSN Messenger and there was virtually no one online my ICQ list. My current handphone is old, battered and integrated with a very sad VGA camera (it's lousier than 1.3 mega-pixel format). As for my Facebook account, it was only activated very recently.
My latest technological find? The Web-based aggregator!! The beauty of RSS and Atom feeds ... how come no one ever told me about these wonders?
Posted by quirkyditz at 12:00 am
You would think that come year end, things would just dwadle to a lull in the office. Instead, it's a total frenzy. Feel like I'm one of those silly 'lil rodents scuttling on hamster wheel. Seem to be busy with loads but having minimal progress.
Doesn't help that my workspace is taking on a junk-yardish look. The Himalayan high stack of press releases have tonnes of old news that are too last season to be published.
Realised that I haven't watered my cactus in like two months either. That poor prickly thing has been so neglected it's fading to a pallid yellow. That's pretty sad considering it was originally a flaming pop of crimson.
Chin up - time to get my act together!
Posted by quirkyditz at 8:43 pm
It's Been A Long Time
Just when I really felt like blogging, I couldn't even remember the password to this blog ... for a good twenty minutes too.
My grey matter must be depleting as fast as the ozone layer.
Posted by quirkyditz at 11:21 pm
If I were a Simpson ...
Posted by quirkyditz at 11:24 pm