Saturday, April 30, 2005

Boxed-up: timetables and me

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother drawing up a study timetable for my exams. Do I strictly adhere to it? Uh-uh, not me.

In the past it used to be more of a scare tactic. I'd look at the timetable and it'll scream "You're lagging behind! These chapters were supposed to be covered five freakin' days ago! But look, they're all untouched!" Sad to say, the not so trusty timetable is even failing in this aspect. Realising that I'm studying at snail's pace is no longer intimidating.

Now, it merely serves as a painful reminder that there are oh-so-many-more-days before my last paper ... yup, this girl is getting restless.

Posted by quirkyditz at 8:05 pm 0 supernova(s)

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Not today

"Come out to play." the sun beckons, sending his warm rays into my room.

"I can't. There's work to be done." I mutter in irritation.

"Oh, come on." He cajoles. "You're wasting your youth mulling over those stacks of papers." He continues showering generous doses of sunshine, refusing to budge, like an indolent child.

Back turned towards him, I feign ignorance.

His patience wears thin.

Sulking, he abandons me to dance among his fluffy white friends instead. For now, they make better companions.

"Just give me ten more days." I think, smiling to myself.

Posted by quirkyditz at 2:22 am 0 supernova(s)

Monday, April 18, 2005

What time is it?

This is last week's news ... I don't often head for lectures early. So I was really pleased that I was in campus by 2.40pm for a lecture that starts at 4pm. And being the studious person that I am (Hey, I saw that k. Quit rolling your eyes.) I decided to head straight to the lecture hall to enjoy the air-condition and do some readings.

I was just about to walk in when I realised that the lecture hall was occupied. Well, being the busybody that I am, I decided to peek in to see what lecture it was. Then ... I saw this familiar head. Looks like someone from my tutorial.

Then ... i heard this familiar voice. Sounds like my lecturer. Yea, you see where this is going huh. Well, I certainly didn't. The thought that my lecturer must have shifted the lecture time even flitted across my mind. It was only when I plomped myself on a seat that it struck me - I got my lecture timing mixed up. Can you believe it? After going for this 2pm lecture for an entire semester, I could actually think that it starts at 4pm for the very last lecture? :\ The best (or worse) thing was that I actually got to hitch a ride to school that day, so I ought to have been on time. The ironies of life.

Sigh, mixed up the timing for my driving lessons too. I ended up being way too early. Better early than late you say? I agree. But I didn't particularly enjoy inhaling second hand smoke, the thick oily smell of food cooking and the stinky exhaust fumes at driving centre's canteen. Gag.

Posted by quirkyditz at 8:46 pm 0 supernova(s)

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Signs of ageing

Apart from the usual clues like the strands of white hair (only a strand or two) and laugh lines (euphemism for wrinkles) that appear, there are other little signs that remind me that I'm getting older, unfortunately i don't feel much wiser.

For starters, the all-time favourite question will pop up in virtually any conversation, "so, what do you intend to work as when you graduate?" I'm not aversive to this question at all. In fact, it's quite an interesting topic to discuss. But if you reply with a "gosh, I have absolutely no idea", you're in for a few standard reactions.

If you're conversing with someone pretty much older than you, get ready for the 'furrowed browed frown' that is sometimes pepperd with a 'tsk tsk' sound. An alternative reaction would be 'mouth agape' look that is accompanied with a gasp so loud that you'd wonder if you've just committed the most heinous crime ever. Well, there are just way too many things I wanna pursue and I just can't make up my mind, that's all. It's not like I'm ambition-less (is there such a word?).

If the person you're talking too is someone your own age, the response might be in the form of 'The Understanding Nod' or 'The Squeal Of Delight'. Basically, the nod and the squeal are different degrees of expressing the same meaning, which is 'hey, i'm in the same boat as you too.'

Second sign of ageing is that my taste of music has mellowed, a little. I'm tuning in more often to Class95. But well ... at least I haven't become all old-fogey and listen only to Gold 90FM, haha. Gold definitely plays nice oldies but if I tune into it ALL the time, that's just weird.

Thirdly ... thirdly ... hmmm, I can't remember, what's the last point I wanted to make. I guess this in itself is an indication of ageing huh - the occasional bouts of amnesia.

Posted by quirkyditz at 1:36 am 0 supernova(s)

Friday, April 08, 2005

In denial

My piano is kooky. Everytime the exams are about to roll by, it seems to emit a sort of magnetic force so powerful, that I'd sweep off the thin layer of dust that has gathered on it, plant myself onto chair and start tinkling away for as long as like half an hour. Granted, half an hour isn't all that long. But compared to my usual five minutes, I think it's quite out of the norm.

It's not a deliberate attempt to lay off my readings, really! :p

So why this phenomena?

Posted by quirkyditz at 1:08 pm 0 supernova(s)