Wriggle ... wriggle ... splat!
Some of them are grey. Others are black. And there are even pink ones. They come in all sizes too - small, medium, large, extra-large. They all share a common trait though - they are gross! These icky, squirmy things called lizards, urgh, they really bug me.
I remember on one occasion, the bugger actually had the audacity to crawl across my foot. Excuse me ... I think you just violated my personal space, Lizzie.
Another thing that gets to me is the way Lizzie sits calmly on the wall, watching my every move with it's beady black eyes. It's highly disturbing. Hey Lizzie, hasn't your mama ever told ya that it's rude to stare? *shudders* You better get outta my way, or you'll share the same fate as your little black friend who just cornered me in the bathroom - squashed into bits and floating in the toilet bowl before journeying down the dark sewers.
I'll be away at camp for the next week. So no updates till then. Hope that the camp accomodation won't be a playground for Lizzie and co. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Posted by quirkyditz at 2:23 pm
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