Boogey time
I watched 'Honey' over the weekend. The movie's about a hip-hop dancer/ choreographer aspiring to make it big. Since it's a movie, all the characters groove with style, including the 'lil kids.
What a contrast compared to me. I can't dance for nuts. Dancing in a club is still somewhat manageable: throw your hands up in the air, flick your hair, head-bang like a rock star, bring on the 80's retro dance steps, bop around on the same spot. At the most I'll just look crazy, but it's ok cos
1) everyone else looks equally mad
2) they are too busy dishing out their own wacky moves to laugh at my insanity
3) the multi-coloured, blinding disco lights are flashing so fast that no one can see clearly anyway.
But throw me choreographed dance moves and my psycho-motor problems come into play. This reminds me of my hip-hop dance classes ... man, what a flop. I'm sure the teacher thought I was a hopeless case, especially since he's is a real pro who has performed with the likes of christina aguilera and toured with janet jackson on her 'velvet rope' concert. I wanna dance like him too! Ok, I shan't be so greedy, I'd be satisfied if I can dance HALF as well as he does.
Back to the movie. I thought that the dance scenes in 'Honey' were a lilttle disappointing. Those in 'Centre Stage' were tonnes better. Bummer.
Posted by quirkyditz at 3:40 am
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