Potty thoughts of a potty person
It's disturbing when you 're staring into space and you suddenly wonder, "what year is it? 2005? Or 2006?" What's worse is when you figure out that the only way to dispel this question, is to check the calendar.
Then there's this issue about seeing things. You know, you stare so hard at a grape-shaped gummy sweet and think: "Hey, it looks like a really deformed bear." And the next bizarre thing that comes to your mind, is that you're munching on a gummy-bear.
A defective memory and illogical thoughts ... the aftermath of dwelling in the same zone as other anxiety-driven, frantically-mugging fellow students I suppose.
Also, what's with the playlist getting all Christmassy? On shuffle mode and it can churn out 4 Christmas carols in a day, with 2 of them played back to back too. How ridiculous.
Posted by quirkyditz at 12:31 am
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