Oh My Gawd
OMG1: My valiant attempt to concoct a self-made tomato speghetti sauce turned out very wrong. Chinese-tasting speghetti, anyone? Then again, fusion cuisine is very 'in' at the moment ya know.
OMG2: Although I don't fall under the hyper Duracell Bunny specie, the last time I slept around 10+pm was probably when I was in primary school. What's wrong with me? :/
OMG3: My ear piercing has started bleeding. Not buckets of blood, but still ... gross! I hope it's not some darned infection.
OMG4: While crusing down the highway, some huge-ass red plastic chair flew off the back of a truck and started careening towards my car. Thank goodness I wasn't tailgating.
OMG5: I actually posted here again. We'll see how long this lasts.
Posted by quirkyditz at 6:27 pm
2 supernova(s)