Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gone Before You Know It

Considering that we're 3 weeks into the new year, I know it's a little late and perhaps even out of point to be thinking about this. But I suddenly realised that I can't pinpoint my ultimate highlight and lowdown of 2007. And it's kind of disturbing.

A less than forgettable year is a good waste of 365 days. A sign of mediocrity. And a terrible way to lead your life, don't you think?

Being in my line of work, we're always 'living in the future,' about one to two months ahead of time. A publication slated to hit the stands in March would have already been in the works since January/ February. So weirdly enough, it already feels like March has descended upon me - and that's a good quarter of the year gone.

*freaks out*

Posted by quirkyditz at 12:50 am 2 supernova(s)