Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Signs of ageing

Apart from the usual clues like the strands of white hair (only a strand or two) and laugh lines (euphemism for wrinkles) that appear, there are other little signs that remind me that I'm getting older, unfortunately i don't feel much wiser.

For starters, the all-time favourite question will pop up in virtually any conversation, "so, what do you intend to work as when you graduate?" I'm not aversive to this question at all. In fact, it's quite an interesting topic to discuss. But if you reply with a "gosh, I have absolutely no idea", you're in for a few standard reactions.

If you're conversing with someone pretty much older than you, get ready for the 'furrowed browed frown' that is sometimes pepperd with a 'tsk tsk' sound. An alternative reaction would be 'mouth agape' look that is accompanied with a gasp so loud that you'd wonder if you've just committed the most heinous crime ever. Well, there are just way too many things I wanna pursue and I just can't make up my mind, that's all. It's not like I'm ambition-less (is there such a word?).

If the person you're talking too is someone your own age, the response might be in the form of 'The Understanding Nod' or 'The Squeal Of Delight'. Basically, the nod and the squeal are different degrees of expressing the same meaning, which is 'hey, i'm in the same boat as you too.'

Second sign of ageing is that my taste of music has mellowed, a little. I'm tuning in more often to Class95. But well ... at least I haven't become all old-fogey and listen only to Gold 90FM, haha. Gold definitely plays nice oldies but if I tune into it ALL the time, that's just weird.

Thirdly ... thirdly ... hmmm, I can't remember, what's the last point I wanted to make. I guess this in itself is an indication of ageing huh - the occasional bouts of amnesia.

Posted by quirkyditz at 1:36 am


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