Bobbin' around
The weekend was pretty good. Not in a fantastically wonderful and woo-hoo kinda way. But it was more of a yaye-at-least-im-not-pulling-my hair-out-or-banging-my-head-against-the-wall sorta manner. Felt a little more relaxed and at ease. The only major bummer was having to go back to school on a saturday. Bah!
Surprisingly, I've been in quite a good mood. In fact, the holiday mood is setting in - not! Just a little. It's Bob Marley's reggae music i tell ya. Listening to it makes me feel like I'm chillin' out at some exotic beach. Come on, everyone, sing: "Everything's gonna be alright. Everything's gonna be alright. No woman no cry. No woman no cry."Ok ... enough crooning for now, I better hit the sack. My eyebags are getting worse. I'll end with a piece of trivia: Do you know that some people actually go under the knife to get the eyebags (dead tissues and fat deposits) removed? Like how gross is that!
Posted by quirkyditz at 1:57 am
Boo boo 8
I just realised tt Booboo 8 exists. i lost my cash card too. *weep* Must have left it in the printing room. :(
Posted by quirkyditz at 11:09 pm
Boo boo
What a day, what a day! Seriously, projects and assignments and essays are like the Dementors of Harry Potter - they suck the life outta you. Don't ask me how many I've completed and how many more are undone. Anyway, my day started off really early. I was supposed to wake up at 6am to tie up the loose ends of the essay. But i was way too zonked out. So I only managed to crawl outta bed at 7am. And apparently, the "loose ends" of the essay were all jumbled up and in one huge mess. So I only had the final copy completed at 12pm! And ... horror of horrors - the essay had to be nestled safely in my lecturer's pigeon hole by 1pm. You know, when you're totally frantic, things just have a way of going all wrong. So here comes the first of the many boo-boos that occured along the way:Booboo 1: While waiting for the lift I realised I left my pencil case at home. Thinking that my thumbdrive was in there I headed back to my place. Booboo 2: My thumbdrive was actually in my bag already.Lucky for me, I managed to hail a cab immediately. So in the cab I was proof-reading my essay and along came:
Booboo 3: Fatal gramatical errors in my conclusion. I'd have to reprint the page.
Booboo 4: I stapled the pages in the wrong order and didn't have a stapler on hand.Well, I managed to reach campus pretty quickly ... then -
Booboo 5: I told the cab driver to turn left when he was supposed to turn right. Thank goodness he didn't follow my instructions. Cos he had the sense to realise I was uttering nonsense when my words didn't correspond with my hand gestures. I bounded up to the clubroom to dump my belongings and then rushed out to the printers to make the changes and reprint the page. And then I was struck by -
Booboo 6: I left my thumbdrive in my bag, which was in the clubroom. (again!?! yes, my exact sentiments) Of course I got my the essay chucked into the pigeon hole on time. But not without facing the last of the Booboos.
Booboo 7: A stapler that refused to work :And so, that's the end of my Booboo day.
Posted by quirkyditz at 1:46 am
The walking dead
By popular demand, I'm back. This entry is just gonna be long enough to let you know that life is currently crap but I'm surviving. Ok, it's not all that crappy. I'm just kinda tired. Really, my brain ain't functioning well enough for me to write coherently. It's that time of the semester again. Deadlines are looming at every corner you turn. Depressing. Just a few more weeks and the zombie-like figures will start roaming NUS. *does the zombie-hop* In line with such dismal spirit (pardon the pun), I shall leave you with a dejecting quote by nothing less, but an anhedonist. It's from the movie Annie Hall.Person A: "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible."Person B: "Yea, and such small portions."Alvy (the anhedonist): That's essentially how I feel about life."
Posted by quirkyditz at 2:50 pm